Getting married is beautiful. But to make sure that it will be a good experience for both you and your partner, it is important to have legal control. We help you with that, so that you can just enjoy your upcoming marriage. To get married in Sweden you should be 18 years old according to the law.
Before getting married you should check in Swedish Tax Agency that you can get married without any hindrance. You need to fill a form and submit it to your kommun. They will approve you to be married.
You always have the right to say no to getting married.
Marriage is between two consented and happy people. Wedding can be conducted in kommun or in a mosque or church etc and can be conducted by a a priest, imam or a registrar, for example. Civil marriages are performed by a person who has been appointed by the county administrative board.
A civil marriage is a ceremony that is unconnected to any religion. If the wedding is a religious ceremony performed by a celebrant who does not have the right to solemnise marriages, the marriage is not official in the eyes of the law. For it to become official, a civil marriage is also required.

However, sometimes it is best to go separately and get divorced. Unfortunately, this can create some challenges, especially when you are not in your home country. In those cases, things usually get easier if a third party takes care of all the legal stuff, so you can both use your energy to get on well.