• Mon - Fri 10.00 - 18.00
  • Amiralsgatan 86E 214 37 Malmö, Sweden

Things You Should Know Before Immigrating To Sweden

Relocating or immigrating is a life-changing process. You need adaptations you find yourself being molded in certain ways. Sweden is a Scandinavian nation. A land home to many beautiful natural scenes, coastal cities and beautifully changing seasons. Visiting Sweden is for sure a great trip but immigrating to Sweden demands that you prepare and brace yourself for a practical journey. Here is what you need to know.

For visiting Sweden, you do require a visa if you are not part of the European Union. Visit freely if you are. However, you need to find a permanent abode and spend five years to gain Swedish citizenship.

Where to live

Most people in Sweden resort to finding a permanent residence than renting a house. Permanent residence may seem like a time-consuming thing, but in the long run, it benefits you. Higher than usual rents and unreliable contracts take a toll on your pocket. If you are planning to stay for a longer duration you are advised to find a permanent abode. Students may find room in Universities. It is however advised that you gather information and experiences of expatriates living here and try to find a most suitable home.

Where to work

Sweden offers an expansive and wealthy job market. Though if you are a non-European Union citizen you will need a work permit. Salaries are high and they usually do the job of paying for the basic facilities. But as some immigrants would share their experience of tough times finding work, and complain that expats are never prioritized for primary jobs. As a youngster, you may want to start by doing an internship to make you accustomed to the Swedish way of working and help you excel in practical fields

Are you a student?

So, have you decided to come to Sweden for studies or you have had to migrate because of your father’s job? Fortunately, you can study using English as the medium. So, you don’t have to worry about the tedious task of learning the language. Swedish universities are free for students from EU citizens. But if you come from outside the European Union you may face difficulties.

Brace yourself for a new winter experience

Winters in this near arctic country are unfortunately not so pleasant. The winter days are so short that gloom sets in and you find yourself longing for the sun. Winters are rather dreary and dismal. But on the brighter aspect, they are beautiful with the snow-covered lands and picturesque beauty. The days of gloom are not long they melt into a beautiful spring Season. So, buy yourself warm clothes before you step into the country.

Swedish culture

Swedish people may not seem very friendly at first. They are not as socially outgoing as you might hope. But once they get to know you, they are soft-spoken and polite people. So, you may have a hard time making friends when you are new in Sweden. But once you master the language and accent, of course, you will be easily incorporated into the Swedish way of life.

Also, get used to a lot of Swedish meatballs and remember Swedes love their coffee, perhaps an effect of the ice-cold winters!

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